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Brainstorm Blog- Project #3

For this project, since I don't have a mac and I am unable to download or use VDMX, I'll rely more on the program of Mad Mapper since I'm able to download it on my windows computer. My idea for project #3 is based on like a caste system or hierarchy rank however it isn't based on human beings specifically, but rather hierarchy within either religion or within the boarder universe. There would be three levels within the visual. The first would be the highest or most powerful within the system which would be the universe or a deity that exist and created the universe. Religious or not, the endless universe is always seen to be a power that will never be seen to toped by any human being. The second level is human and mother nature. There would be three to four different imagery within the second level including different visuals of the earth and human made setting such as cities. The last level would be death and the underground. Regardless of any being, we decay and die eventually. However, within this, there would be ghost figures or some figure to rise to the top of the level. This would signify a endless cycle of life and death that will always be known within existence.

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Project #4 Code

<html> <head> <script src=""></script> </head> <body> <a-scene> <a-assets> <img id="space"...


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